The Author

Alvin M. Mukisa

Alvin M. Mukisa is married to Anne and they have four wonderful children: Jethro, Ezekiel, Israel and Sarah Mukisa. Alvin was ordained a pastor in 2011 but has been in ministry since 1998. He attended ISOM school of ministry based in San Bernardino, California and currently serves as the founder and lead pastor of Delivered to Serve Ministry Church, Waltham, Massachusetts. In addition to pastoring,  Alvin has worked with the public works of the city of Waltham where he retired in 2022 for full-time Ministry. He met Pastor Tom Mugerwa of Mutundwe Christian fellowship in 2013 through whose teachings he was able to attain deliverance from homosexuality. Alvin is a conference speaker and organizes the “Annual Let my people go international deliverance conference” where thousands of attendees have witnessed of the great deliverance power of Jesus Christ. Alvin and Anne’s mission is to see multitudes come to know Jesus Christ and be delivered in spirit, soul and body to serve God’s purpose for their lives without fear.

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